
Crossbar App RSVPs

  1. Go to the Crossbar phone app and click on the tournament date. All RSVPs for Saturday (and/or Sunday) tournaments are due the Tuesday before.
  2. Please click on "Yes" if you can make it. The expectation is for all players to make all games and practices. If a player is available for only part of the day EX: available before 5pm, please add send a message in Chat by the Tuesday before the tournament. Start the message with "10/12 Tournament - John is available before 5pm". This will make it easier for Coaches to see each player's availability. Provide any updates if anything changes.

Game times and locations

  1. Game times and locations will be posted on the calendar when we receive them from the tournament director. This is typically on Friday by 12 pm.
  2. We update the calendar should any game times change. Please check the schedule regularly, especially morning of the tournament.
  3. Locations are typically within the Bay Area. Occasionally, tournaments schedule games for two different though nearby locations. Please be sure to read the locations for each of the games.


  1. Players are expected to arrive 30 minutes before their game time. This is to ensure for any schedule changes from the tournament director, allow for warm-ups times, and pre-game huddles with the team.
  2. Most tournaments will ask spectators for an entry fee. Some allow for credit payment, but bring cash just in case.
  3. Please bring both Away and Home uniforms to the game.

Additional Help - Our program manager, Lynn, can typically help via email (, and will respond within 1-2 days. If urgent, text her and she will respond as soon as possible

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